The light grows dim and my life on earth is over all is dark as - TopicsExpress


The light grows dim and my life on earth is over all is dark as the casket is closed. I open my eyes and find myself in a giant courtroom. I see a great judgment seat were It will be decided where I shall spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. Satan the prosecutor says “This man stands accused of Lying, stealing, cheating, and hate” We have positive evidence of these crimes and demand that he be condemned to Death and eternal punishment in Hell! Are you guilty of these crimes? Yes, I answer, but I have tried to live a good life I went to church often, I even gave money to missions! “Not Good enough Satan screams”! My Lawyer is my only witness, he takes the stand “Your name sir?”..…”My name is Jesus” “How do you know the defendant?” Satan asks “We have a personal relationship since he accepted a free gift from me” Jesus answers “Are you aware that this man is a sinner and deserves to be punished?” “Yes he is a sinner, but has accepted my gift of forgiveness, so we plead Not Guilty by reason of the Blood of Jesus Christ!” he turns to the Judge, “Father what is your verdict? God stands and declares “He is not guilty because my Only Son has paid the penalty” Case dismissed!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 18:40:46 +0000

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