The many messages in tribute to Brian Munro have contained a few - TopicsExpress


The many messages in tribute to Brian Munro have contained a few key themes that together describe the person he was and the legacy he leaves with us: - Love for life. Brian loved every minute of life, even when his was fading away. His love for life was infectious - he taught us to love life even when he was dying. - Great company. Time spent with Brian was full of fun, laughs and stimulating conversation. Youd always come away feeling happier. - A cultured man. When people took the piss about Brian loving posh restaurants, reading hefty tomes or going to the opera, he would always reply that working-class people are entitled to the best in life. - A family man and a great friend. - Inspiration. So many people who have come into the trade union movement during Brians time have described him as a mentor and an inspiration, and talk of the things that he taught them. - Principled. Brian stood up for what he believed to be right, even when it made him unpopular (which it sometimes did!). - Solidarity. There are people who still have their jobs because of Brian - but hed be the first to say that its because of others too. He fought like a tiger to defend his workmates. He was a reliable ally, including at times when these were hard to come by. - A socialist. Brian was more than a trade union rep - he wanted to change not just the workplace but the whole world. He had a lifelong passion for justice. - Most of all, a fighter. Whether he was fighting the bosses or his cancer, Brian never gave up, keeping others spirits up with his boundless optimism, eagerness about new ideas and evident enthusiasm for the struggle. Memories and inspiration do not die.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:08:13 +0000

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