The math major athlete and his grandpas outreach... Jackson - TopicsExpress


The math major athlete and his grandpas outreach... Jackson State University third year math major Harold Sutton is a current mentee and in fact has been one for three years. It all began when my Marks, Mississippi homeboy and schoolmate Early Robinson called me and said My grandson Harold Sutton is a senior at Callaway High School and needs some guidance in going to college.Will you help him? This is where coincidence and destiny get involved. It just so happened that I was refereeing a Calloway football game and when I got the names of the captains one was Harold Sutton. I greeted him on the 50-yard line and said I would be by the school to see him. That was on Friday night. Come Sunday after church,he and his sister from Florida were sitting on the couch in my livingroom asking questions about his majoring in math at Jackson State University! He enrolled at JSU in the LS MAMP Summer Bridge Program under Dr. Martha Tchnounow and for the fall connected with the math education program under Ms. Edna Holbrook. He was doing great. So we thought. Personal finances were not in order. Out of the blue, Belhaven College offered Harold a scholarship to play football. He transferred (See photo with #79 uniform). A year later, he called and said he was coming back. Both Dr.Tchnounow and Ms. Holbrook forgave him for his hiatus and reinstated the young math major without penalty. I invited him to become a baseball umpire at Grove Park Baseball Field. He did. That was in 2013. He is now completing his second year as an umpire. Harold Sutton epitomizes courteousness, politeness, and old fashion manners. He is a gentleman and a scholar. He is also an ideal pre-college math camp counselor due to his soft-spoken firm demeanor and imposing football frame. This summer he is associated with the math camp and will be involved in LS MAMP in July. Grandpa Early Robinson of Marks is smiling. Harolds mom is smiling. His sister in Florida is smiling. Dr. Tchnounow and Ms. Holbrook are smiling. One more year and Harold should graduate and become a high school math teacher while coaching football and baseball. We all hope by then he too will be smiling.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:37:19 +0000

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