The message for today is simple: Never be a suckup. Ever. Sadly - TopicsExpress


The message for today is simple: Never be a suckup. Ever. Sadly for the suckups this kind of thinking is completely wrong. Sucking up does not get you anywhere good, and it actually has a very negative impact on your career and on your life in general. In fact, the more you suckup the more detrimental it is to your life. Here are five good reasons why sucking up is stupid. 5 Reasons Why Sucking Up Is Stupid 1) Sucking up makes you look insincere Because you are! No matter how good you are at sucking up, everyone else around you will notice it. And when people notice sucking up they immediately label that person as insincere and fake. Even those you are sucking up to will think this. 2) Nobody trusts a suckup A suckup is never trustworthy. 3) A manager that encourages suckups is not a good manager Sadly there are some managers who enjoy having people suck up to them and sometimes they even encourage it. But have a think about the kind of manager that would do this… A manager who is swayed by sucking up is not a good manager. They obviously lack confidence in their ability to lead, and thus receive a small burst of positive reinforcement whenever a suckup comes along. So what do they do? They encourage the sucking up! After all we all like to feel good about ourselves don’t we? 4) A good manager is all about honesty These good leaders want a team of smart individuals that work cohesively as a team. A suckup breaks this team dynamic by attempting to make everything all about themselves – something a good leader will not stand for. The result is that the suckup will generally move on to another position where they hope that their brown-nosing skills will be more respected. As I’ve already described, the only manager that will respect such behavior is a bad manager and the suckup ends up doing more harm than good to their career. Especially when they could have stayed and grown so much under the guidance of the good leader. 5) People don’t make friends with a suckup The final reason for not to be a suckup is that suckups do not make many friends. We spend a lot of our lives at work so it makes sense that we form close connections and friendships with our colleagues. But no-one wants to be friends with a suckup. It is time to stop sucking up and start being honest in your life. ***Zac Sky***
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 22:25:49 +0000

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