The moment ,I first was told it was suicide sent a numbness - TopicsExpress


The moment ,I first was told it was suicide sent a numbness through my body. You cant process such news instantly , the mind tells you this cant be true ,I walked around at work like a zombie until it was clear I was in no frame of mind to keep working !At 16 she was dead her life destroyed, by her own decision to take her own life . We were no longer ,a it happens to other peoples families story .It happened on my daughters 1 st birthday so it is a date I dont forget . The day is foggy yet in many ways crystal clear and both at the same time . Since that time I completly thought we approach suicide all wrong . Familes seem to take on a duty of Shame ,that not talking means it some how wont happen again to anyone else , in the process people carry guilt , anger , sadness bewilderment and a massive sense of failure , for some its like their own soul was taken out .At 25 Simone Battle becomes another battle lost as suicide continues taking down , the famous , the average and the down and out . It takes on all age groups , rich and poor and both men and women and the young and the very old ,by their own hands . Mental health issues like bi polar , depression and other manic disorders Are only a few of the reasons to explain why people murder themselves . I use the term not to be disrespectful to those that past away but because its brutal . The effects touch ,some that are left behind forever in a different way to other deaths !many blame themselves for not reading the signs . Not reading the signs ? Not reading the signs . How do you read signs when you cannot read ? The media talk little about it in general ,at school they only talk about in after some one dies not before . The most clear fact about most suicides is most dont want to die they want the pain to go away , they see no way out . They are not cowards . They are not cowards they just never got the correct help what ever that might be . Its a epidemic and we need a re think not keeping it a shameful topic . It must be talked about . It must be addressed . Forums where the young and old speak open about why they feel like ending their life could remove a weight from a person if they can be heard . Simone Battles family join the many that lost so much :(
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 13:23:08 +0000

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