The more simple carbohydrates you consume, the higher your blood - TopicsExpress


The more simple carbohydrates you consume, the higher your blood sugar rises. To keep the constantly rising blood sugar in check, your pancreas has to pump extra amounts of insulin into the blood. Insulin removes sugar from the blood stream and delivers it to the cells. On the surface of the cells are insulin receptors which act as tiny doors that open and close to regulate the intake of sugar. There is a major difference between the highly valuable glucose the body makes available to the cells and the useless sugar forced into the blood stream right after drinking a coke or eating ice cream. The cells don’t like to absorb the acidic, bleached, processed and energy-stripped sugar. To protect themselves, they put up a barrier that ignores the insulin when it knocks at their door, even as it tries to deliver proper, usable quality glucose. The resulting buildup of blood sugar prompts even more insulin secretions by the pancreas, which in turn causes a larger number of cellular doors to close and blood sugar to rise further. This condition is known as “insulin resistance.” When insulin production no longer keeps up with rising blood sugar, type II diabetes results. This makes type II diabetes a severe case of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to many complications in the body, including heart disease, hardening of the arteries, damage to artery walls, increased cholesterol levels, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, kidney disease, accumulation & storage of fat and weight gain. (This is a selection from the book ‘DIABETES NO MORE!’ by Andreas Moritz) ener-chi/books/diabetes-no-more/
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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