The more that comes out about the missing plane, the more I am - TopicsExpress


The more that comes out about the missing plane, the more I am tempted to pick up another copy of A Tough One To Lose and give it another read. Were learning now that at least one computer system was hacked (nytimes/2014/03/18/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-flight.html?_r=0) and altered. We know that at least one pilot was involved. In the book, there was also a Stewardess in on the plan - which hasnt been mentioned in this case, but you would need at least one person who isnt in the cabin to maintain control of the passengers. We also know that the flight path of the plane did a (near) U-Turn right before it vanished, which puts the theory (from the book) that the plane might be back at the originating airport back in play. The computer was hacked to give the pilot his route to get the plane in position, then you hotswap the various plane identification codes and poof - you have a plane posing as another plane, and unless you take the time to actually look at and compare the tail number (something that probably isnt done when a plane lands) it comes in without a hitch. At that point, no one is looking at the airport, so the plane goes into a hanger for service, the numbers are altered on the tail and the plane is free to just hang out there, or even take off and fly somewhere else. The motive of this appears different from the book - it doesnt seem to be a human hostage situation - but each day, some new thing comes out that reinforces my theory that these guys grabbed their plan from the pages of a book written in 1972.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:57:32 +0000

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