The more that we imbibe the sweetness of Gods grace, as revealed - TopicsExpress


The more that we imbibe the sweetness of Gods grace, as revealed in Jesus Christ, the more our hearts will long to serve and love a broken humanity. We will cease to react violently to groups and ideas with which we disagree, and we will begin to cherish relationships more than being right, or having the last word. Serving our families will become our greatest joy, and we will perceive Jesus in everyone from our children to the worst of sinners. The love of God, of which Christ is the very embodiment, changes us. It leaves us opposed to violence, hatred, wrath, and all forms of religion that rely upon heavy handedness and guilt trips in order to make converts. The Grace of God heals us from the foul fever of fundamentalism, and teaches us that love is far more important than having all of the answers (as if) and having our doctrinal Is dotted and Ts crossed. Grace teaches us to live lives of self-giving, others-centered love. It causes us to lose interest in the things religion tells us are important, and causes us to burn for a simple life of love and joy.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:37:57 +0000

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