The most humble and incredible President ever. I wish I had the - TopicsExpress


The most humble and incredible President ever. I wish I had the time to translate the absolute truths this man is saying. But to summarize he is saying that he lives like the majority of the people in his nation not the minority and thats what democracy is all about. He said that in most nations they make the presidents fit into how the minority of the people live in lavished houses and surrounded by hundreds of guards and fleets of cars and security. He said that is what democracy tried to get rid of, the hierarchies, the totalitarian monarchies, the oligarchies, etc. This man has my respects. He chooses to live like this, his heart is in the right place the people. He loves his nation. What an honor it would be to sit with him and talk a bit or just meet him in person and shake his hand. We need more leaders like him in this world. More leaders that will look out for the common person and not worry about special interest groups. We have been corrupted by money, the more money you have the louder your voice will be. We have bit into the concept that corporations are people. That money can be used as free speech. I dont think this is what our founding fathers envisioned. I think Pres. Jose Mujica is a living testimony of how our founding fathers would have liked the public servants to be. Maybe not the way he lives, but in the way he is, his thoughts and philosophies. He serves his people, and he does it well.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:11:02 +0000

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