The nation is in the writing of new pages of history in india - TopicsExpress


The nation is in the writing of new pages of history in india under the most efficient and incorruptible leadership of sh narinder modi ji and the team of his ministers in different ministries.Well to take stock of these mininstries one by one the most important of them for the common poor people is the economy,buying capacity,control of inflation ,growth of GNP,GDP,SINCE MOST OF OUR ECOMY AND WEALTH GETS DRAINED IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET ESPECIALLY CHINA BECAUSE OF LOW COST OF CHINESE goods in indian market ,we need to enhance the sale and use of our indigenous and indian items so that our economy gets strengthen without drainage to international market,No doubt there is tremondous scope for our econommy to grow provided we encourage our local markets to grow,the problem of economic pilifirage is due to negligence of our reseach and development wing who are allowing the inferior quality of goods to be sold in the indian markets there by creating mistrust in the consumers of our country.let we all indians buy and consume indian products so that our labour,man power ,mind power is used for our own people instead of exporting our talent to alien countries.the craze for imported goods and consumer items should be stopped and the affluent class of our society should prefer the national products in day to day usage.more importantly we should enhence and expand our exports instead of import,the investment needs to be increased for expansion of our market in international spheres,the foreign exchange will only increase with the increase in our exports for which quality control is of highest priority,the industrial sector of indian nation needs to frame the potential of our product with reference to the requirements in the international markets,the exploration of our resources which are yet to be explored is of greater importance for the economic upliftment of our poor masses.the utilization of our domestic man power in our domestic industry is yet another sphere of development of our economy,india needs to understand that we have make maximum use of our talent,labour,The people living in slums only sit and nation needs to put them to work for our national development.we can afford to see our people begging in front of red signals and temples without contributing to increase the national income,30 percent of our man power remains unutilized ,if we want to see india entering to new era of development every body of us should be part of this glorification of india,we need to MODINIZE,MORDERNIZE,INDIANIZE IN ORDER TO SEE INDIA AS THE FRONT RUNNER IN THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY, WE MAKE ONE FIFTH OF WORLD POPULATION LET US LIVE WITH DIGNITY FOR THE DIGNITY OF OUR NATION,
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 10:08:53 +0000

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