The nature of what is allowed in this world appalls me today. I - TopicsExpress


The nature of what is allowed in this world appalls me today. I absorb world news on a daily basis and have many friends in many countries. I am fully aware of how the world views the USA...but reading todays paper just turns my stomach. Shame on the Minneapolis City Council members who involved themselves in the #BlackLivesMatter protest at the Mall of America. Shame on the #BlackLiveMatter protesters for staging that event. I still dont understand what you were hoping to accomplish, shutting down the Mall, a very DIVERSE location if youve ever taken the time to go there and people watch. Shame on the Mall for not moving more quickly to protect their patrons and have the protesters arrested and removed immediately; as was noted, there was existing policy barring demonstrations at the MOA and it is private property. Shame on Law Enforcement for putting on the kid gloves in all of this; I am a law abiding citizen, Caucasian Male (and discriminated against because Caucasian Males caused all that is bad in the world and evidently continue to do so ) and if I walked down Interstate 35, (for instance) I would be arrested. People, if you want to change something, lobby to the lawmakers, run for public office, do something constructive for crying out loud. I support anyones right to free speech and to peaceably assemble as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America; however, at what point does ones rights infringe on the rights of others? Why arent their organized protests to promote the following topics? How about the needs of our wounded veterans, of all race? How about the needs of the homeless, regardless of race? How about the needs of foster children and children from broken homes, who otherwise are not able to fend for themselves? #HadEnoughOfTheWhining #DoSomethingConstructive Have bad decisions been made...sure. But to heal, sometimes one needs to let go of the past and start fresh. Were bad decisions made hundreds of years ago? Yes. Are we, as a society, still holding a grudge...YES! The actions of my Fathers, Cousins, StepBrothers, Ex-Girlfriends, Roommates friend who worked at 31 flavors, Great-Great-Great-Great Uncle thrice removed is not something someone today should be able to pin on me! Yet we as a society blame the modern generation for the actions of 4-5 generations (and more) ago. #CantWeAllJustMoveForward ?????!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:37:12 +0000

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