The news is the buzz in groups and facebook pages Congolese - TopicsExpress


The news is the buzz in groups and facebook pages Congolese Monday, June 17 Twenty-one students from the DRC were arrested by the Indian police, Saturday, June 15, at Jalabar-Punjab in northern India. According to Congolese students reached by phone, their classmates arrested are accused of raping Indian and desecrated Indian gods. A version rejected by the Congolese who in turn accuse the police of having abused. Nahomie Cabinda, computer science student, said he witnessed the event. She says: "Congolese students found an African being beaten by a dozen Indians. They went to the police, who sent them a jeep to go to complain. Arrived at the police, the Indians have distorted the story, saying that Africans have broken their gods, raped Indian girls, disturbing public order and they had guns. " His brother Fridolin Mukeba, also a student in India, is one of twenty-one students Congolese arrested. According to the widespread version of the Facebook profiles of the Congolese, all started from an altercation between Indian shutters in a car and a Congolese student they failed to reverse. The argument that ensued between the Indians and the Congolese turned the fight. A Congolese passing saw the scene and alerted other Congolese students who came to assist. The police finally arrived and boarded Congolese and Indians involved in the fight. It is the police station that the version of Indians have taken over the Congolese. They have been arrested and transferred to another city after suffering abuse from the police. "When they were arrested, they were beating up every moment. Fridolin Mukeba was beaten up in agony. They just gave them first aid and returned to prison, "says Nahomie Cabinda. The Embassy of the DRC in India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kinshasa seized of this matter. The Indian ambassador in the DRC has been summoned by the Congolese authorities on Tuesday, according to sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A case that raises indignation in Congolese media:
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:57:42 +0000

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