The nuclear family is the traditional family unit and consists of - TopicsExpress


The nuclear family is the traditional family unit and consists of two parents and their children. In other words, the traditional family. Back in 1970, 47.5% of the family units consisted of nuclear families. It turns out based on the latest census, the percentage of family units in the United States that consists of traditional families is only a meager 19.1% of all the family units...not even a fifth of the population. The most common modern family unit is a single parent with kids or just a person living alone. Is this a terrible thing? Im sure all kinds of debates can go on about that, however, it clearly is yet another factor that is keeping people more atomized. Add to the above that we have a society that overindulges in individualism and consumerism, and that only makes building a sense of community with others only so much harder....
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 01:41:48 +0000

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