The only terrorist organisation Involved In the Sydney Siege is - TopicsExpress


The only terrorist organisation Involved In the Sydney Siege is the Murdoch press empire. Murdoch wants to turn this into a conversation about Islam. Like most religious organisations, the Church of Murdoch generates extremism under the guise of social concern. The fractured Islamic community must now endure a violent swathe of opinions washing white as the tissues, flowers, and cheeks of the Australian populous gathered to mourn here. The agenda of the lone gunman is irrelevant when compared to the agenda of those controlling the direction of the mass media which has a far broader-reaching agenda with considerably more significant socio-political repercussions. When Rupert Murdoch tweets that one man’s madness ought be a ‘wake up call’ for Sydney, the real wake up call is the grand irony with which a web of fear is spun for profit, by generating a different type of violence: a social violence, a violence imposed upon our very zeitgeist by those who control the means by which we get our information. A crazy man with a string of convictions for assault and rejected by the Muslim community carried out a terrorist plot in accordance with a personally bastardised version of religious extremism. His actions were not of a coordinated international terrorist agenda, but rather one man’s madness.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:59:50 +0000

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