The order of the trinity is the image of ALL. Neither created from - TopicsExpress


The order of the trinity is the image of ALL. Neither created from nor destroyed to nothing is ALL; recreation, or change, is ALL. From [destruction of] darkness to [creation of] light is the turning of 180 degrees to create the triangle of the trinity: Creator (Generation) is ALL, Destroyer (Execution) is ALL, Restorer (Preservation) is ALL. Creator is neither Destroyer nor Restorer, Destroyer is neither Restorer nor Creator, and Restorer is neither Creator nor Destroyer. Creator generates, Destroyer executes, and Restorer preserves. Executor creates restoration. Preserver destroys (old for new) creation. Generator restores destruction. Destroyer (executor, administrator) is created (appointed). Restorer is destroyed (executed, directed, changed). Creator (beneficiary) is restored (served). To create, restore destruction. To destroy, create restoration. To restore, destroy creation. In generation: destroy, execute, act, instruct. In execution: restore, serve, work. In preservation: create, authorize, make-instruction. It creates destruction for its restoration. The beauty of the trinity is that ONE is in THREE and THREE is in ONE -- e.g. the destroyer is both a creator and restorer in a particular aspect. The trinity of the mind is: Thought, Action & Emotion. In Christianity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Father is who creates Son, i.e. Man, preserved by Holy-Spirit. And Spirit means breath -- respiration, inspiration, expiration, spirare (in Latin, also ghost in Greek means breath). In Sanātana Dharma (Hinduism): Brahmā, Shiva, Vishnu. In Kemetism (Egyptian): Osiris, Horus, Isis. In Taoism: Creator is Yin -- Magnetism, Imagination/Magus, Darkness. Destroyer is Yang -- Electric, Execution, Light. Restorer is Wuji, Tao/Te, Yin-Yang. Trinity in Life-Death-Rebirth: User/Father/Soul/Mind creates the executions (e.g. DNA code; instructions) of Program/Son/Man/Body to be executed in the cycles (Life-Death-Rebirth) of the Machine/Holy-Ghost/Spirit/Breath. User, especially with video games, often thinks that User is the Program in the Machine. Soul-State/Mind creates Man-State/Life creates Spirit-State/Death which then creates Soul/Mind (of new cycle). The execution of one state creates the next, i.e. when Man is executed, Spirit is born. The key is to create all three States in unified harmony and we can only do this in Man-State, alive in the flesh, to become One/Immortal. This is why Man must die before death, i.e. bring forth Spirit-State in life, where Man is servant to Spirit to create Soul-State. As servant to Spirit, Man creates Spirit, thus unified-harmony and so Immortality, or the transcendence to higher dimension with even greater understand of Spirit. Its all a journey. This is why Man meditates -- e.g. mantram, prayer, song, etc -- i.e. to amend DNA code of life. Original sin is the signature of the DNA, the executed code. As above so below; sin is the sine wave, and the birth signs of nativity. Trinity in the family: Soul/Child appoints (creates) a Mother to direct a Father to serve his DNA in Childs creation (benefit) (and to make money) for preservation of humanity (and restore the family). Indeed, you have chosen your parents before birth! Mother appoints Father to direct Child to serve the Name of the family, or simply chores; thus also this is why the Child inherits Fathers last name (as a Servant to society). Father creates Child (pre)served by the Mother, i.e. Father creates Child, by sending his DNA instruction, execution, into the body (Temple/shelter) of the Mother, and she also preserves the Child during youth, serving breast milk, i.a. In simple terms: Mother creates, directs, and serves Father; Father creates, directs, and serves Child; Child creates, directs, and serves Mother. Trinity in the trial (court): Plaintiff creates by filing charge, intending to receive benefit. Judge is appointed to execute orders and destroy the case. Defendant is appointed to restore debt and/or serve the charge of the Plaintiff. Trinity in the corporation: Owner creates Corporation and assigns Administrators (e.g. CEO) to direct Employees. Administration hires (creates) Employees, directs them to restore Corporation. The Employee serving Corporation, creates and directs the future of Corporation, and receives benefit in form of payment. Owner pays Admin who pays Employees who pays (in form of servitude) the Owner. Trinity in the contract (trust/agreement): The Contract/Order (Trust, State, Corporation) is served (preserved) by Agent (Trustee, Servant, Employee) in/under direction (execution) of Instrument (Administrator, Law, Executor) for the benefit of Creator (Author, State/People, Beneficiary, Shareholder) Trinity in the computer: User creates Program which instructs execution in Machine to serve User. Sometimes User believes that User is Program in Machine.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 09:32:48 +0000

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