The other Virtues-- The divine wealth Apart from the virtues - TopicsExpress


The other Virtues-- The divine wealth Apart from the virtues (Ethics) mentioned earlier-which are the most basic qualities that we need to master, there are many others that makes us more Godly. In Sree Gita these qualities ( The Divine Wealth) has been attributed as the Qualities of the Devas (Daiva Gun). Having in possession of all these qualities along with the basic ones one can attain the status of a Devta (Demi God). And as we know the Devtas can achieve the immortality as they have gotten the Amrita-the nectar of life (By having those good qualities). What are those qualities-the Daiva Gunas? They are-------- 1.-Fearlessness- Student of spirituality must attain a sin less life. Once some one is sin less he becomes fearless. He knows the true nature of life and Atma (Soul); that knowledge of imperishable nature of our own self and a sinless life makes us fearless. The most fear of ours is the fear of death. He who knows the immutable nature of Soul overcome the fear of death. because he knows that mortal death of our body is not the real death,it is just a change of our status, as we change our dress when it is unusable. Once you have a pure life and not afraid of death you do not have any reason to be fearful. 2. Purity of heart- People with all those good qualities (discussed now and before) are devoid of any impurity and as such are of pure heart. A pure clean heart only can receive the Divine truth and knowledge in his life. 3. Charity- Because the student of spirituality knows that every one and every thing around us is our own, (Basudeva Kutumbakam), he likes to help others who are needy, by the way of charity. He does not and should not do the charity for name or fame and must not boast about it and do not expect anything out of those charity. 4. Steadfastness in the pursuits of spiritual knowledge and study of the Holi scriptures-(Discussed earlier as Swadhaya). 5. Self control- Discussed earlier. 6. Austerity-- Living a very luxurious and extra comfortable life we only get Bodily pleasure (Hedonistic pleasure). It attached us with the materialistic type of thoughts and life style which is completely opposite of pursuance of Spiritual /happy life. While extreme austerity is not conducive of spiritual pursuit indulgence of luxury if also non conducive of spiritual/happy life. 7.Uprightness- Spiritualists are the follower of truth and a follower of truth must stand up against any falsehood. This practice of uprightness shows how steadfastly we are elevating ourselves as a seeker of Truth-the Almighty. 8. Non-Injury-- Ahimsa, discussed earlier. 9.Truthfullness-- Discussed earlier 10.Absence of Anger--- Anger is a very strong emotion that can destroy any one. In Sree Gita, when Arjuna asked Lord Krishna-Knowing that a sinfull life is not good why human being become compelled to do that? Lord Krishna answered Esha Kama ,Esha Krodha (Anger). Meaning, it is desire, it is anger that propels human being to commit sin. Some where else in Gita Lord Krishna said, there are three doors through which one can enter in the Hell and they are the doors of Kama (Desire) ,Krodha ( Anger) and lovha (Greed). So we may see the importance that is given to one very important instincts which is totally antagonistic to attain spiritual goal is Anger. It destroys human being, instead of spiritual pursuits it destroy the human life in many different ways. So we must master our selves as person who is devoid of anger. Just reaction against a falsehood or active reaction against an Evil is not Krodha (Anger) or Himsa (Violence). This is a sacred duty. But getting angry with any and each matter if it goes against our wish or feeling is anger (Krodha). 11. Self Sacrifices-- Giving away ones own possessions for a Supreme Good is duty bound for a Spiritualist. It is the Tyaga (sacrifies) that make ones mind pure and closer to God. It helps us to get away from the Attachment which binds us with the worldly materials unnecessary for Spiritual pursuits. 12.Tranquility- (quite mind)-- Discussed earlier in Chittasbritti Nirodha. We also need a very quite place to live to practice spirituality. Noise and sensual impulses will always distract our mind and pursuit of happiness and spirituality. 13.Freedom from Slander-- Habit of slandering others is the product of mean mind. A mean mind cannot achieve anything. There are many people out of embolden ego or just jealousy keep on slandering others. we must stop this. 14.kindness to beings--- This kindness to fellow beings comes from the sense or knowledge that everything around us are part of the same Being from whom we also came into being. Our own existence proves that other that exist around us are created by the same one creator and not by different creators. So we all are the one family and must love each other and treat with kindness as we do towards our own family members. 15. Non-covetousness- Covetous behavior and attitude just simply hurt others. It is against the principle of Ahimsa (Non-Violence). 16.Gentleness-- Opposite of gentleness is roughness. Rough behavior on ones part hurt the sentiments of others and must be avoided. 17. Modesty-- This virtue of modesty in all respect-dress, possession, behavior with others etc gives others happiness and pleasure. 18. Absence of Fickleness-- A person with fickle mind and behaviour can not achieve anything and to reach the goal of spiritual understanding that must be a important character to get out of fickleness. 19. Forgiveness-- We must forgive and forget our enemies. Because by forgiving others who committed offense against us we will be freeing our mind from a burden of bitterness which may overshadow our mind. If our mind is disturbed in anyway then we can not achieve our goal of Pursuit of Spirituality. 20. Absence of Hatred---- Hatred is another strong emotional force that can keep our mind disturbed and make us unworthy of Spiritual Pursuit. A mind full with hatred towards others is a corrupt mind. A corrupt mind can not achieve self realization and be happy. The above qualities and the others described earlier are the most per-requisite trait that we must master before any fruitful advancement is possible and to take step to the next stage of achieving Spirituality. Any one who will try to enter into the spiritual life and make some advancement must achieve this by regular and diligent training of mind. It will take time and will not be easy. But the truth is, without hard training and scarifies nothing can be achieved. Elevating ourselves in Spirituality is the proper way to the pursuit a Good life a permanent happy life. Anything other than this is just pursuit of Hedonistic pleasure (bodily pleasure) that can bring on unhappiness and misery in our life. Since we have completely divorced our life from spirituality we are becoming unhappy. Our society is becoming a reservoir of unhappy souls.We are on the way of our own destruction slowly but surely. Materialistic pursuit, pursuit of Hedonistic pleasure is the sure steps for individual and collective suicide. If we wish to survive and prosper, we must embark on the quest of a Spiritual life and that is the only way of pursuit of Happiness. Nanya Pantha Bidyate Hayo Nayo (Sree Gita); there is no other way.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:46:14 +0000

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