The past week had brought laughs, some tears, a few tantrums, but - TopicsExpress


The past week had brought laughs, some tears, a few tantrums, but the potty still remained empty. Boo didnt like the fact that the new pull ups let her feel when she made a mistake too, and we found her more than once trying to put one of her old diapers on by herself, but she hadnt managed to correlate that to stop it, bathroom urges needed to be acted upon in the toilet. That was where the laughs came in. To see her shocked face getting caught in the act with a sideways nappie on was comical and priceless. Now we had a guest, our friend Morgans son, so the distraction was just too much for ruby and she wanted nothing to do with the pink plastic chair of doom. So on a stop to the store on my way home from the aquarium to get more pullups my eyes wandered around the shelves and found some books on the subject and a couple videos too. I know Shauna had gotten her the bear one, but maybe these would strike a chord. I tossed them in the cart with two six packs of longnecks of the special Abita Mardi Gras bock and toilet paper and headed for the checkout. The cashier rose an eyebrow at first then drifted off into her retail employee daze and rung me out. Pulling my Ferrari into the drive I got the bags out of the boot and headed inside. Boo, come see what Da got for you! I chuckled hearing her little squeal as she came running out from the office where Shauna must have been doing something. Dropping everything I opened up the bag and showed her books as she crawled into my lap on the floor and kissed me on the lips with banana tasting lips. She snatched the books out of my hand and studied the covers, then picked up the DVD case and got a critical look on her sweet face. Yes, more things for potty training, Im afraid. Her look became even more dubious and when I asked if she had success in the bathroom she got a guilty look like a dog that had peed on the carpet. well keep trying baby doll, and after your bath tonight Ill read a book to you. Hows that? She brightened a little and bobbed her dark haired head, which was in tiny sprouty ponytails and pink bows today. Wheres your Ma at little lady? I called down the hall. Babe, you alright? I saw her striding down the hall, Brice close on her heels. Hed been with us a couple days but still was uneasy around me. He clung to her calf and his by her side when she joined us on the floor.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 03:38:14 +0000

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