The peacefully majority are basically sheep and , radicals, - TopicsExpress


The peacefully majority are basically sheep and , radicals, terrorists, fascists, and all other minorities that create wars, jihads, genocide, etc are basically bullies who get in power because, the silent majority cant be bothered to act or are too afraid to act. Even when people power is seen to act they are basically still being controlled by a minority. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Todays terrorist is tomorrows politician . Below examples of famous acts of people power or civil unrest, as the incumbent authorities would call it, or examples of peaceful protests . Many of them are led by military or politicians. Or politicians will jump on the band wagon and take control. Or the military will seize control. Mohandas K. Gandhi’s role in the Indian independence movement in 1917-47 the US civil rights struggle in the 1960s, led by Martin Luther King Jr. aspects of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland in 1967-72 the Revolution of the Carnations in Portugal in 1974-5, supporting the military coup of 25 April 1974 the Iranian Revolution in 1977–79, before Khomeini’s advent to power in February 1979 the People Power Revolution in the Philippines in the 1980s that ousted President Marcos the campaigns against apartheid in South Africa, especially in 1983-94 the mass mobilization against authoritarian rule in Pinochets Chile, 1983–88 the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 in China the various movements contributing to the revolutions of 1989 in central and eastern Europe, and to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 Egypt, 25 January 2011: marchers in Cairo with ‘OUT’ signs on the Day of Anger against President Mubarak. On 11 February he left office. the campaign against Serbian domination in Kosovo, 1990–98, that was followed by war the revolutions in Serbia in 2000, Georgia in 2003, and Ukraine in 2004, all of which involved successful resistance against an incumbent government that had refused to acknowledge its defeat in an election and had sought to falsify the election results the demonstrations, mainly led by students and monks, in Burma in 2007.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:50:31 +0000

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