The people of this generation are no longer alive with passion or - TopicsExpress


The people of this generation are no longer alive with passion or courage, where there is no passion or courage, there is no love of life. Even the music of this generation has no passion, emotion or real movement as it used to be years ago, it shows me how things have changed for the worse. I see people but they are not all there, theyre with their phones now, not talking to each other or even looking where they are going, so it is no wonder why they get lost. I wish I lived in a time where things had heart, and people talked to each other face to face instead of about each other. People think they have friends just because they are connected on social media, but they dont have the heart to care and to be there when they need them the most. All of this technology designed to bring people closer together has actually made people feel more alone and isolated than they ever were before because there is no meaning and truth in it. Its sad and lonesome for those like myself who see beyond the fake smiles and falsehood of it all. I belong in another time, back when everything made sense to me, when music touched you like a slow kiss of love and water from the sky. It used to be about social interaction, now its all about social media. When I was growing up, people visited each other, talked, played and made music with passion, thats why I feel alone all of the time, there is no one I can get on with my own age. And when people listen to what you have to say, they turn the other way when you speak how you feel from your heart. It is that indifference that is the root of all the bad in the world. People just walk away because they dont know what to do, perhaps they cant handle the truth, they dont know what to do or say. In these times, it is normal for me to go to bed with my guitar by my side, as that is the only thing I feel a connection with. Patrick.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:12:20 +0000

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