The people who have voted this mess into law, are given a pass, so - TopicsExpress


The people who have voted this mess into law, are given a pass, so that they do not have to abide by the same laws, that they oppress onto the people, who elected them into their temporary office of these United States? If this is so then isnt that taxation with misrepresentation? Or is it just plain tyranny? Is it a violation of the rights, of the people of the United States? Then why are the people of the United States still letting these temporary employees continue to use the laws against people of the United States, all along knowing that they are misrepresenting the people who voted them into the office to begin with? There are laws protecting the people of these United States from the tyranny of this administration, isn’t there? Then if the Federal branch is misrepresenting themselves to the people, then isn’t the state level, suppose to be in place to protect the people of these United States of America? We did use to have state militias in place but they were closed down, Why? Or does it fall upon the individuals to protect themselves from this kind of misrepresentation of the elected officials? These are all good points, was the dismantling of the states militias in preparation of this governments plans to take the rights of these people away in one stroke? Or was it just the plans of the democratic party? So where do the people of these United States go from here? In my humble opinion, Deacon Decker
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:41:55 +0000

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