The president fully intends to enact Amnesty by executive order - TopicsExpress


The president fully intends to enact Amnesty by executive order later this year. There is no way I can see to stop him as we havent had a true opposition party in this country for a few years now. When he does this he will be in violation of the law and of his oath of office. He says that because congress refuses to act to fix our broken immigration system he must go it alone. The problem with his philosophy is that whether congress chooses to act or not is irrelevant. He doesnt get to just adopt powers expressly given to congress via the constitution. The fact is, broken or not, we do have immigration policy in this country and his job is enforcement. Nothing more! Since the republicans have already relinquished both remedies for the presidents constitutional power grab in the form of a government shutdown and or impeachment, I really dont know how to prevent this action. I just thought it prudent to inform you all of what is coming. Violation of law: COTUS Article 1 Section 1: All legislative powers heron shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a House and a Senate. Section 7: All bills for raising revenue MUST originate in the House of Representatives. Section 8: Congress shall have the power to MAKE ALL LAWS... Violation of Oath: Presidential Oath of Office: I do solemnly swear that I will FAITHFULLY EXECUTE the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The constitution CLEARLY places all legislative powers solely within congress. That includes but is not limited to writing law, passing law and amending law. Last time I checked, POTUS was not a member of congress. His job is to enforce the laws that are passed by congress. Not to amend the laws he doesnt like simply because he doesnt like them. He is not the Attorney General. He doesnt have the privilege of deciding which laws to enforce and which to ignore. This action will completely fly in the face of our system of government. It is blatantly illegal and unconstitutional and I found a professor of constitutional law who agrees with me.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:20:48 +0000

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