“The previous court ruling was issued upon expert reports and - TopicsExpress


“The previous court ruling was issued upon expert reports and defenses,” Irfan Sancı, owner of Sel Publishing House, told bianet. “We are going to repeat the same things all over again.” “It is impossible to agree with Supreme Court of Appeals verdict. On the other hand, Guillaume Apollinaire’s written works have been recognized as world heritage by European Parliament. In a way, they are prosecuting the world heritage here. “We don’t appreciate the fact that experts are to determine whether a book is literary or not. This decision can only be made by readers, publishers and editors. You can’t say a book is literary because the court said so. However, we applied to court for expert report after a report by Prime Ministry Protecting Youngsters From Obscene Publications Council. This is why we requested a report from Galatasaray University. After this, all we will do at court is to repeat this all over again.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 17:34:55 +0000

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