The prison seminar went very well. It was a really interesting - TopicsExpress


The prison seminar went very well. It was a really interesting experience. Its hard to get a read on some of these guys, but God is definitely working behind the iron bars. Many of these men are dealing with divorce, and theyre scared and hurt. This week, I taught on the Patriarchs. Abraham and his journey from liar who laughed at God to a man of great faith who held NOTHING back from God. Isaac, the submissive son who followed the faith of his father. Jacob, the liar who reaped what he sowed in the form of generational sin. Joseph, the man who was faithful regardless of his circumstances and whom God used to save the world. We talked about forgiveness, confession, repentance, unbelief and the sovereignty of God. When I told them that someone they had never met had agreed to pray for them tonight, the room went silent. It meant a lot to them, just to think that someone cared. Thank you, those who prayed. Please continue to pray for these men. Night time, when the lights go out, is the hardest time of every day for these guys. Please pray that God will continue the messages in their hearts, and for the leadership of the prison church as they follow up with the new believers. Thank you for being an important part of this ministry this weekend.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 03:23:37 +0000

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