The problem God has with people of our generation is that we are - TopicsExpress


The problem God has with people of our generation is that we are all interested in the blessings, miracles and gifts which we will receive from him,...we have never thought to ourselves what to do for God . Most of us think ... (a) That sowing a seed of gifts or money in church is doing something for God, perhaps we havent read 1samuel 15 vs 22,..where obedience was exalted over sacrifice. this goes to show that no matter what you think you have sacrificed to God, if there is no element of steadfastness in christ, you will recieve nothing. (b) Most people think they can hold God to ransome,..thus they pray and say ' Lord if you do such thing for me, i will now do such thing for you..' , some even go ahead to give God a deadline of the period which they desire certain gifts and signs so as to verify that he is the one calling them to serve..... the question you should ask yourself is this ' WHO ARE YOU TO THREATEN GOD?? , there are millions of souls in the world, what makes you think you have the right to thwart the words of HE WHO SPOKE YOU INTO EXISTENCE?? Dear people, by the time you realize what ECClesiastes 12 vs 13 means by ' Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man', you will ask yourself a question..... 'AM I DOING THE DUTIES I HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO DO'?? serving GOD is for Your own benefit, because it doesnt add anything or subtract anything from God....#awordisenoughforthewise
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 08:36:51 +0000

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