The public but lightly attended BOAC meeting was tonight October - TopicsExpress


The public but lightly attended BOAC meeting was tonight October 14th at 1730 local time. •The Auditors office was represented at the meeting and elements regarding to grant money that must be dispensed were discussed. •Invoices were approved to pay Benson, Dilts, Jackson,Falcon Aviation, Phoenix, Williams Electronics, Frontier KPC Media and Hamilton News •API Construction Corporation bid was discussed as an ongoing issue that should be finalized and resolved by next months meeting. •Wolpert, BOAC Engineering firm and Craig Benson Grant Invoices were presented •LP Gas - two nearly identical bids were received from Sheets and Billman that were priced with a not to exceed price of $1.899/gallon for 8000 gallon seasonal quantities. Spot price will prevail up to the not to exceed price. Based on past performance, Billman was selected on a motion presented by BOAC Walt Drewe. BOAC President was authorized to sign the contract for the BOAC. •The NDB repair technician has retired and will no longer perform the necessary repairs. Falcon Aviation presented two companies that has certified technicians but neither has responded with definite prices. Until that time a certified technician was located that will do the the repairs as needed on a time/material basis of $60/hr + $0.50 per mile drive. A motion was made by BOAC Larry Watkins to authorize this level of time/material until a permanent solution is found. The motion carried. •Falcon Aviation presented a scenerio where by he could purchase a decommissioned NDB of the same type we have to use for spare parts. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. •County Concil Shipe brought up that the county website needs immediate input from the BOAC in order to update the antiquated and inaccurate data that exists at this time. A website & html qualified non-BOAC attendee volunteered to do the maintenance updating pro bono for the foreseeable future: no action was taken on this matter. BOAC Drewe said he would handle the matter. •The meeting was adjourned by BOAC President Wyatt Weaver.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:56:18 +0000

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