The question has been asked by someone:"Why does a certain group - TopicsExpress


The question has been asked by someone:"Why does a certain group believe in Jesus? A better question for everyone is this :Which Jesus do YOU believe in? If you believe only in a Jesus that was a good religious man, a good teacher, maybe a prophet with a special connection to God than friend you have a problem. The true Jesus demonstrated divine attributes such as omnipotence, omni presence, power over nature, power over sickness, power over death, and the ability to forgive sins. Friends, those are all attributes of God Almighty. If that doesnt convince you His crowning proof of His deity was His Resurrection from the dead. So think about it..Which Jesus do you believe..The good man or Almighty God? The answer only decides where you spend eternity.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 07:01:45 +0000

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