The reality of the situation is that African-American males (both - TopicsExpress


The reality of the situation is that African-American males (both men and kids) are being killed at the hands of law enforcement without penalty. Trayvon Martin was via neighborhood watch George Zimmerman. Mike Brown via Ferguson police (St Louis Rams I applaud you for not apologizing to the police upon request bc a few of your players entered the stadium with their hands in surrender as a sign of solidarity to the community). Those two incidents we wont know all the facts and can merely opine by what the media has conveyed. But when you have Cleveland 12 year old Tamir Rice killed on a playground because the police thought his toy gun was real and its caught on tape (his murder). And today a grand jury decided not to indict a NYPD officer in the chokehold death of unarmed Eric Garner who had his hands up in surrender and protested he couldnt breath all the while the medical examiner ruled his death a homicide...where is the justice. The reality of the situation speaks volumes. Police are getting away with criminal activity and hiding behind the cover of badges. Just because an officer puts their life on the line is no reason to take another life. Some would say these cases had their due process with evidence presented to a grand jury of citizens...yet there is a very long and compelling history of the United States of America treating African Americans as 3/5 Compromise (how to count slaves for apportion requisitions) and separate but equal (Plessy v Ferguson, Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of racial segregation). My grandfather was born in the Deep South of Mississippi in 1927 where lynchings took place, KKK rampant and he said he grew up in a time where a black mans life wasnt worth more than a dead rabbit. Albeit an African American POTUS and Attorney General lead the U.S. for the everyday minority the injustices, suspicions, accusations and mistrust carry on...with some folks believing it doesnt occur based on the year 2014 and above said leader voted into office. MLK why cant your dream hurry up and arrive...let us be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:37:50 +0000

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