“The reason people do not attend church is because they see no - TopicsExpress


“The reason people do not attend church is because they see no benefit in attending”. Look at the basic “buying” principles of people; we can learn to apply them to the church. What do people buy? – The important thing to remember here is that people do not buy products and services. People buy benefits; they buy what a product will do for them. People don’t buy a book because they like the cover, they buy it for what is inside – for the benefit it will bring them by reading it. It might be for entertainment purposes or it might, in some way, make their lives better for example.. Modified and applied to the church: People will come to your church for what it will do for them. Make certain that in your marketing efforts you describe, in detail, what the advantages and benefits are from attendance. This is done best by promoting a particular sermon series such as a series focusing on improve marriages, clean-up financial pressures, bridge a gap between parents and children, and many other key areas of life. Why do people buy? – People buy to fulfill a need! There are 4 basic needs that drive buying decisions: - Physical Needs (The need to fix a problem in their life.) - Social Needs (The need to belong to something.) - Ego Needs (The need to feel important.) - Spiritual Needs (The need to connect and help others.) Modified and applied to the church: People will come to your church to fulfill a need. Make certain in your marketing efforts that you describe how your church can fulfill a need in their life. Tell them how to discover their purpose, how to have better relationships, etc. Be aware. Study your community and determine a need and market to the masses to solve it. Mark 8:1-9 illustrates how Jesus fed the masses with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. Jesus found a need and filled it. We should, as a church, do the same in our communities. How do people buy & How to get them to your Church! – Don’t make the assumption that by just sending out a direct mailer, putting up a billboard, placing some door hangers out or listing your ad in the newspaper people will come to your church. There are 4 basic principles in determining how people go about making a decision to come to your church. You should follow them in every marketing endeavor. 1. They Must Have a Need to Come to Your Church. 2. They Must Believe That Your Church Will Fulfill Their Need. 3. They Must Decide That Your Church is The Right Church for Them. 4. They Must Decide The Time To Come to Your Church Is Now. Back to Church Sunday is September 15th, 2013! Come on back!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 20:26:34 +0000

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