The recent killing of 132 school children of Army Public School - TopicsExpress


The recent killing of 132 school children of Army Public School in Peshawar by the members of Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terror group is a stark reminder of how this world is becoming increasingly unsafe for women and children especially in conflict zones where Islamists are involved. It is also a confirmation of the fact that no matter how much military aid the US gives to Pakistan to help her keep its nuclear assets safe this rogue nation, with its ever increasing stockpile of nuclear bombs and large presence of anti India, anti Israel and anti America religious extremists groups, would continue to be a major threat to global peace and security for decades especially so long as Pakistani army continues playing its good Taliban-bad Taliban game. While many Pakistanis claim that this dastardly attack was a direct result of operation Zarb e Azb launched by the Pakistani army against TTP and other foreign terrorists but the fact is that what happened was a direct result of decades of fear mongering and radicalization of masses by the Pakistani army, its intelligence and the political establishment. If in this game of hate and violence based on false pride, misplaced nationalism and Islamic extremism the Pakistani establishment, civil and military, acted as a teacher the Pakistani masses acted as pupils. So, the people of Pakistan are as much guilty as the Pakistani establishment of perpetuating the recent tragedy. Why I say that is because India, its neighbor, is a Hindu majority country but only one major Hindu confessional party which since independence has been in power only a few times and the first time with full majority recently. The fact that over ninety percent of political parties in India are secular means that a huge majority of people of India especially Hindus reject mixing up of religion and politics, reject religious extremism but that is not the case with Pakistan where a majority of political parties are either Islamic confessional parties or backed by the fundamentalists and religious extremist groups. The reality of todays Pakistan is that no political party be it Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz or Pakistan Peoples Party or Imran Khans Tehrik e Insaaf can even dream of coming to power without backing from the very monsters who just carried out this massacre and this cannot happen without there being support from Pakistani masses. Incidentally this tragedy comes days after the Pakistani government extensively helped Lashkar e Taiba (LeT) front Jamat Ud Dawaa organize a massive convention in one of the major cities of Pakistan, Lahore. The convention, whose sole target was India, was addressed by Lashkar e Taiba Chief and the master mind of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack Hafiz Saeed. It is reported that Hafiz Saeed spent Rs 50 lakhs to transport JuD supporters to Lahore and the government of Pakistan obliged by making available trains and other modes of transportation to ferry to and fro the supporters of JuD from across the country. LeT not only carries out terror attacks in India and Afghanistan but it is also very much active in Syria and Iraq. Let also reported to have spread its tentacles in neighboring countries of India including Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldive islands with an objective to use them as launchpads for future terror attacks in India. Both Lashkar e Taiba and Jama ud Dawa are on the list of US designated terrorist organizations. In April 2012 the US State Department announced a reward of $ 10 million for providing information leading to the arrest of Hafiz Saeed and additional $ 2 million for information leading to the arrest of Saeeds brother in law Abdul Rehman Makki. But instead of cooperating with the US and India the Pakistani government allocated millions of rupees (Rs 61 million for Juds center Markaz-e-Taiba and additionally Rs 350 million for setting up a Knowledge Park) in aid for Jamat ud Dawa, the parent organization of LeT. The most interesting part is that this announcement came exactly a month after Nawaz Sharif won 2013 general elections with a thumping majority replacing Zardari as the next Prime Minister of Pakistan. The announcement was made by the Chief Minister of Punjab Province Shahbaz Sharif who also happened to be Nawaz Sharifs brother. Nawaz Sharif is the same man who had been accused by a former ISI agent Colonel Imam aka Khalid Khwaja of taking money from Osama Bin Laden to bring down Benazir Bhuttos government in 1990. He claimed that in return for monetary help Osama Bin Laden asked Sharif to implement Sharia law. Khwaja claimed that Osama paid much less than what Sharif had demanded and Sharif after routing Benazir Bhutto in 1991 elections did implement Sharia but not to the extent Osama had demanded. As part of his promise Sharif is also reported to have made it easy for the militants to move freely in Pakistan. A few months after making this allegation on the national news television channel of Pakistan Khalid Khawaja was murdered by a little known Islamic group Allah Tigers but it is widely believed that the actual culprit was TTP. In an op-ed piece published in New York Times Michael Kugelman, senior program associate for South Asia at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, accused Nawaz Sharifs PML-N of associating with various terror groups like Lashkar e Jhangvi. Nawaz Sharif who built his political career under the patronage of the first Islamist President of Pakistan, Zia ul Haq, has also been known to be a follower of Deobandi Islam. He is well known for his contacts with every single terror group operating on the Pakistani soil and it is for this reason he was brought to power by the army. Given his hostility with the army this sounds childish but it is the truth, the army brought him to power to once again repeat what it did in Kashmir after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The decision to bring him to power was perhaps made the day Barack Hussein Obama announced withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. The idea behind was to intensify the proxy war against India at ground level (cross border firing, increased number of infiltration by Pakistan backed terrorists), provide political and diplomatic protection to army both at regional and internal level, force India to negotiate Kashmir issue and in the event of Indias refusal to do so demand the international community to intervene by dangling the threat of nuclear war on their head which Sharif did last year during his meeting with Obama. But then Sharif is not the one of his kind in Pakistani politics. As I mentioned above there is no political leader or party that can dream of coming to power without the backing from the terrorist groups. Take for example, Tehrik e Insaaf leader Imran Khan who has large fan following among the Pakistani youth and who is being projected as the messiah that holds the magic stick to cure Pakistan of all its ills overnight. In his condemnation of the recent terror attack this man intentionally avoided naming the terror group (Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan) responsible for the attack and its not because he is afraid of them, its because he need TTP and other terror groups to reach the corridors of power in Islamabad. He backs negotiations with Taliban and says severing ties with the US will be in the best interest of Pakistan. Citing his relations with right wing Islamic Jamaat-e-Islami party as well as his open support for ISI policy viz a viz Afghanistan many political experts believe he is in cahoot with ISI and right wing religious parties. I can give dozen more examples including that of Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (an alliance of right wing parties formed in 1988 to to rout Benazhir Bhutto in elections) which saw emergence of Nawaz Sharif as the most powerful leader but I believe what I have already said above is more than sufficient to prove that the people of Pakistan are as much responsible for the killing of those 132 innocent children by Taliban as the Pakistani political and military establishment because its simply not possible for every single political leader and party to be supportive of these terror groups unless there is support for that among the Pakistani masses. Political parties and their leaders support these right wing Islamist groups because the Pakistani masses want them to, and the masses want it because they have been brainwashed by the ISI and the army. So they are equally to be blamed for the tragedy, they dont deserve sympathy because their support to their psychopathic army and these terror groups have been causing hundreds of deaths each month both in Pakistan and India. Hundreds of thousands of women and children have been butchered by psychopaths backed by their leaders and their army both in Afghanistan and India. They dont deserve sympathy, they deserve to be spitted upon and beaten up with shoes.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 03:40:14 +0000

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