The reputed head of freemasonry is the jesuit general black pope. - TopicsExpress


The reputed head of freemasonry is the jesuit general black pope. The jesuits ran the latter inquisition, torture killing 900,000 Christian Protestant Reformationists in violation of the teachings of Christ (Matt 18:6). The inquisition was really about seizing banned scriptures and exterminating all who knew wat was in those scriptures, to monopolize Christianity, by exterminating 2 million Christian Cathars, and the entire Bogomil Christian faith, etc, etc. Google Bogomil books. Wolves in sheep clothing run the doomed world now. Thats relevant because the predecessors of freemasonry were the Knights Templars, who exterminated the 2 million Christian Cathars for the early inquisition, then slew all in Jerusalem in the Crusades; jews and moslems. The Skull & Bones (pirate) flag was the original sea flag of the Knights Templars. Traditional rules require freemasons to infiltrate all religions, which shows a conspiracy regarding religion (anti-religion). A masonic once told me that they get job preference via putting Lodge info in the job applications blanks for Hobbies & interests... especially gov jobs! The Novus Ordo Seclorum phrase shows a political conspiracy at work also (New World Order) tyranny thats reducing all to wage slaves without rights or benefits. Masonic infiltration of govs should be a concern, seeing the prochina treasons, the undermining of the US economy systematically with over 20 million jobs outsourced, undermining labor unions and minimum wages via encouraging illegal immigration and flooding the US with chinese prisoner labor crap. The comasonics have equal footing with freemasonry; Ordo Templi Orientis Lodge founded by Crowley, and Odd Fellows Lodge, and Rosicrucians, and Bnai Brith, etc, etc. What it is, is a global beast political & antireligion & criminal conspiracy consolidating its hold on the world, and flushing the USA down the tube, to get rid of the constitution and Christians in the staged armageddon war.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:37:18 +0000

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