The right-wing/fright-wing of this country, once again, is losing - TopicsExpress


The right-wing/fright-wing of this country, once again, is losing their collective minds, running around with their hair on fire, screaming loudly in their vast echo chamber of misinformation. This time they are asking the American people to blame the tragic murders of two New York City police officers on everyone from the President to Attorney General Holder to Mayor DeBlasio to the protesters in the streets to you and I for even daring to discuss the militarized police and the incidents of recent months. Where were these LOUD voices when two officers were murdered in Nevada at the hands of extremists who thought Bundy Ranch was the end-all-be-all standoff against the federal government? Was THAT incident the fault of the nut jobs WITH GUNS who flocked to Nevada to defend Cliven Bundy? No. Of course it wasnt. Just the same way that protests (WITHOUT GUNS) demanding police accountability for the death of Eric Garner and a host of other citizens killed by police are not giving a collective pass to the mentally unstable to murder police. “We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News on Sunday. Bullshit, Rudy. Absolute bullshit. STFU. People who are demanding change in the ranks of the police are quite capable of understanding that not all cops are bad actors. I know that shocks you Rudy that people have the ability to feel sorrow for the deaths of the officers. Im sure it would surprise you to know that as human beings, we dont draw lines in the sand that force us to choose between black or white, left or right, good or bad. Rudy and his ilk continue to live under the old George W Bush rhetoric of you are either with us or against us. There is no middle ground in that kind of thinking. There is no rational ability to discern one incident is not like the other, one person is not like another. There is only the do as I say mentality that leaves no room for disagreement. No, this is walk in lockstep with your leaders or you are unpatriotic and un-American. They know what is best for us. Make no mistake, I use the term lockstep purposefully as a chilling reminder of what happens to a nation that isnt paying attention. When the loudest voices in this country seek to silence yours, when they look for an excuse to stop legal protests in the streets, when the nations army can be called into service to stop its own citizens, we need to wake up and pay attention. Think it doesnt affect you? Think again. Can we please, please stop talking AT each other and talk with each other?
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 13:29:16 +0000

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