The sacrificial lamb of God. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb, - TopicsExpress


The sacrificial lamb of God. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb, offered up to God for our sins, once for all times. Not as Moses had to sacrifice, year after year up to God, in the covenant, God made with Moses. In the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, he gave up his blood once for all, and is at the right hand of God. He conquered death hell and the grave, and God created a new covenant, upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is our high priest for ever. The interceptor to our prayers. As we pray from earth to heaven. He is the mediator, of are prayers, from earth to heaven. As God received our requests. And assigned one of His Angels. To come down to Earth. As he manifested our requests, to Gods will. Its nothing but the blood of Jesus. That sacrifice his life, that we may live. Therefore I am not under the laws of Moses. Although the laws were good. No man can keep them! But if they were not introduced, sin could not be revealed. Although mans sin, without a law revealing his sin. Sin was not sin, because there was no law. To reveal his sin. Now when the 10 Commandments can, sin became revealed. And men develop sin consciousness. Therefore the law is good. Because it reveals mans sins. But God created a new covenant. Without Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To where sin cannot prevail. So we are not under law. Under the laws of Moses. But under the grace of God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I dont live under the law. I live under the grace of God, through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by way of the Holy Spirit. What would I be without the Holy Spirit, when there are invisible forces, that I need to have knowledge of, in order to do the work, I have been assigned to do. The space of the mind, is where all elements enter. You have no control over what enters. And you will be effected, by every element that enters? Cause will create effect. Because youre part of the environment. Change will change you. As you change change. Your job is, to introduced the force of God. Through your spirit. Speak the words of true. Into the atmosphere. They hate the name of Jesus. Always speak, His name. Into the atmosphere. Its nothing but the blood of Jesus. That sacrifice His life on the cross. So as I live. I have died to sin. Because Christ died for sin. On the cross. Once and for all. Yet I live in the redemption, of His resurrection. For I died in sin consciousness, under the laws of Moses. And I have arisen a new creature, under the new covenant, of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Free from sin, consciousness, although I am yet a sinner? Because of the covenant, that my Father made, with his Son. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To where I am under the grace, of my Lord Jesus Christ. And not under the laws of Moses. Although the laws of Moses were good, for a time. And they steel stand? For those who are under the law? But for the free man. The law cannot prevail, against him. It does not mean that he is not a sinner. It means that he does not live. In sin consciousness. Under the laws of Moses. Because he is a free man. Under the grace of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who is the intercessor of our prayers, to the Father. He recovers us from our sins. He is our high priest for ever. In Hebrews chapter 9 verse 28, it says. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them who look for him so he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Matt. 26 28 Titus 2:13 1 Pet. 2 :24. Im covered under the blood of Jesus. I am not under law. Nor do I live my life, as if, I am under the law. Not the laws of Moses. Or the laws of men. I respect the law. But I do not live under them. Although mans laws can be broken, even if youre a law-abiding citizen. You see man, changes his laws, to suit his purpose. And he uses the infractions of the law, to incarcerate you. Why do you think so many of Jesus disciples, were in prison? Why do you think so many of us, are in prison now? Many of the innocent, are locked up. While the outlaw has the key? Dont get me wrong, there are many in prison, black and white and of color, that need to remain there, for the spirit is evil. Thank God for the man although he may be incarcerated physically, that he is free, in the spirit of God. For there are many, that are dead in the spirit of God. That walk upon the Earth. And have physical freedom. Yet they are incarcerated. Because their spirit is dead. It is the grace of God, that allows freedom. Paul was incarcerated, physically. Yet he wrote many of the books of the Bible, while he was incarcerated. He was never locked up, although he was confined. Did you know the most dangerous man. Is a man that has physical freedom. But is locked up, and confined. Within his spirit. Because these incarcerated. By the Antichrist. The invisible metamorphosis of influence. Is upon how they think. The power behind influence, is very powerful. As you go with the flow, of where the devil wants you to go. And Im not trying rhyme. For this is serious. People are losing their soul. Because of that fool. That is opposing gods order. Most people I cannot talk about the invisible metamorphosis. But really thats the only way, that I can make them see. How they being propagated around, doing the work of the Antichrist. Intelligence doesnt make the man. It just makes you more dangerous. Because you have a lot more to work with? If youre in a position of authority. And you are wicked minded. Yet you are intelligent. You are dangerous! The worst disposition, to be in. Is to be under the authority, of a wicked minded man. That wants too. Puppet you around. To do his bidding. Many of times. You wont get the raise. In your paycheck. And you wont be promoted, to a higher position. Because you know the game, people play. But you wont play, by the rules. Of the game. Dignity and loyalty, to God. May make you appear poor, to other people. When you are rich? There are many dignified people. That are signified against everyday. I could tell you some stories. Of the weight I had to leave behind. On the minds, of many wicked minded people. And the words I spoke, stands as a testimony against them. Words will always stand as your testimony. God has a record of everything. All must appear before the throne of God. Money does not make a man rich or poor. But the love of money, can make, a rich man poor. In his spirit. Or a poor man, deceitful. Because of the love of money. In his attitude. Of how to treats people. Money Ive never been evil. But how you use, determines your destiny? I always give God the glory. And I call upon the name Jesus Christ. I thank God for the Holy Spirit. That I see in the invisible realm. Yet I live in the physical realm. Sometimes Im caught up, and I have to come down to Earth. Otherwise I am dismiss. And I need to communicate well. Thats a message Im given. Will be understood. To God be the glory. By Stephen Carpenter.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:13:00 +0000

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