The seasons change. This is an inevitable fact. Yet imagine a - TopicsExpress


The seasons change. This is an inevitable fact. Yet imagine a change in seasons where the flora and fauna did not respond. Imagine that as the warmth of spring arrived the grass remained brittle and dry. Imagine that the trees did not blossom and that the bears did not awaken from their slumber. Imagine that even the birds failed to return from their winter grounds. The very season which was meant for renewal and growth would slip by silently. Yet the failure of creation to respond would not slow the advancement of the seasons. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their failure to respond to the signs of the times. The promised Messiah stood before their very eyes and yet they did not recognize Him. Their hearts were too hard. Their minds we too dulled by spiritual slumber. They failed to recognize and acknowledge the promise of God in due season. They were a blessed generation and yet they did not know it. Is it possible that we as the church are sleeping through a season meant for revival? Is it possible that due to our cold hearts and our unrepentant hearts that a time meant for rejuvenation and growth slips by even as we remain in our beds? Assuredly, whether we respond to the change of seasons or not, the advancement of God’s time clock will not be slowed. We must arise from our slumber. We must awaken to God’s intentions for the church in America and around the world. We are in the latter house and what comes after the latter house? We are a blessed generation. If we are to receive what God has intended for us we must respond to the change of seasons.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:57:03 +0000

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