The senate is about to vote on ENDA. As its currently configured, - TopicsExpress


The senate is about to vote on ENDA. As its currently configured, it exempts religious organizations as a nod to freedom of religion. I had a small debate with Mara Keisling about this last night. She informed me that there was consensus in Washington that ENDA should be passed as is. Her reasoning was illustrated by using her hands to indicate that ENDA was sort of a mostly there proposition (picture one hand flat a few inches over the other one horizontally at neck level) so we had to pass it. But is it a mostly there law? I would argue that ALL of the discrimination and violence that the LGBT community faces is rooted in one thing - religious dogma. Its from people who say my book says gay is wrong. Gay for these folks means every variation of gender attraction or expression. We all look the same to them in kind of the same way that the term has been previously used with a racial connotation. We wouldnt acquiesce to them if they were pressing for the right to slaves or human sacrifice or stoning women who arent virgins to death (all in the book). And how many Christians are adhering to the command in Leviticus 7:23 to not eat fat or not cheat on your spouse (18:20). 19:6-7 talks about the abomination of eating your animal sacrifice on the third day. There are many abominations in the bible that are completely ignored, but not the abomination of a male lying with another male as with a woman (18:22). We must pay heed to that one. Lions and tigers and queers, oh my! It is long past time to put this a-la-carte religiosity to an end. That we would let bigotry stand as a religious freedom is the true abomination. We need to draw a new line in the sand and let the first amendment be our guide. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.... We intervene when a parents religious belief prevents them from seeking medical care for their children. We intervene when religious organizations are brainwashing our children. The free exercise of religion MUST NOT include the right to discriminate. To all those who say lets take what we can get and work to change it later I say... No. The civil rights of all everywhere are not and should never be negotiable.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:30:37 +0000

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