The set of Parables in todays Gospel periscope (Mt. 13:44-52) - TopicsExpress


The set of Parables in todays Gospel periscope (Mt. 13:44-52) completes the teachings of Jesus regarding the Kingdom of God in Matthew 13. Thus, let us reflect on the following truths about the Kingdom: 1. CHANCE AND CHOICE (vv. 44-45) - The Kingdom of God is like a treasure, by chance was dig (v. 44), and by choice was searched (v. 45). Let us thank God that because of His love, chance to be saved is ours, a gratuitous gift to us. But we need to do our part, a choice to search for His kingdom, His will. 2. GOOD AND BAD (vv. 46-51) - This is not to threaten us regarding the Judgement Day, that wicked will be separated from the righteous, but to spur us to look into ourselves, our actions. With Jesus helping and inspiring us, we could draw lines between good and bad. Like Solomon in our 1st reading (1Kings 3:5, 7-13), may we ask for wisdom as we live this life. 3. OLD AND NEW (v. 52) - Scribes and Pharisees focused only on the Old Covenant, following the Law of Moses. Its not that Jesus was not for the old, he taught the old with newness. It is not just following but love in following the will of God. We are hearing mass, is it with love? We are following our parents is it with love? And the likes. A Blessed Sunday po!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:32:25 +0000

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