The significance of todays full moon is the letting go of fear and - TopicsExpress


The significance of todays full moon is the letting go of fear and becoming free. Full moon occurs in Cape Town at 19:09 (EET). at 26deg 02 of Virgo. The sign of Virgo understands that in giving...we receive. Virgos energy needs to feel useful and be of service to others. The past months have forced us to face our own issues. Its been a springcleaning of the mind. The turbulance of the Cardinal Square was activated at the beginning of the year with Mars in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries, Squaring Pluto in Capricorn and exaggerated by the expansiveness of Jupiter in Cancer. This excess has been further intensified with Saturn in Scorpio. The planet Mars has gone Retrograde in Libra us another opportunity to heal. We have HAD to examine our old wounds....purify ourselves and cleanse ourselves. Healing through the power of forgiveness. The Planet Neptune is in Pisces conjunct Chiron. We are living in the most extraordinary time of being able to access an array of tools that can help us return to SOURCE. From this STILL place...this Holy Place within, the heart allows the Universe to work through the Higher Self in the creation process . Life-Signature: 16: 03: 2013 Pisces 8 with Moon in Virgo. 6 : Compassion & service. 6+1 =7 Accessing our Personal vision. The month of March = 3 7 + 3 = 1 We are born to fulfill our own unique Mission. 2014 = 7 This is the year to anchor our personal vision. To do this we have to discover our true PASSION! We have to STOP buying into negative programming...through our genetic patterns or Culural Belief systems. thus: 7 + 1 = 8 Through the power of perseverence and prayer we can overcome and become OUR TRUTH! _/\_ Namaste Dearest ones
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:58:28 +0000

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