The silence of old white men. Men’s silence doesn’t mean - TopicsExpress


The silence of old white men. Men’s silence doesn’t mean they don’t care; they are just wise enough to know they have nothing to prove to anyone. Most of these old men have worked hard for the greatest part of their lives and many have proudly served their country, so if they walk a little too strait, to upright or have a proud glimmer in their eyes and strength in their voice don’t be offended you see they know who they are and don’t believe they have to brag to everyone for the recognition they do deserve, they won’t even tell you they deserve it because they have class. I am writing this because of all the foolish things people of other races and genders say everyday thinking if they talk loud enough, and long enough, and do nothing, maybe people will give them a respect they don’t have to work for, They do not understand that it is not respect they are getting it is sympathy. Personally I am tired of giving to the people who are completely capable of working but refuse to, then being forced to hear them run down the Government who feeds them, clothes them, furnishes them with housing and in some cases even cell phones yet they say they hate the government for holding them down, I have zero respect for any of these people. People who do these things have no thought or compassion for the thousands who do need the assistance and call the hard working Americans who do pay their taxes fools and slaves to the government yet without those same fools they would starve in the gutters, or steal from the ones who do work so they don’t have to belittle themselves. Yes possibly we are a little foolish but we have pride and self worth. Some people of color say I am black and I am proud and many really do have reason to be proud of their hard work and accomplishments, these people don’t go out to the streets screaming for something they don’t understand or haven’t worked for, their respect comes from hard work and their ability to work with others not from the color of their skin, their religion, or their gender. Have you ever truly respected anyone who had to ask for it? The American Indians or Native Americans speak of pride, they want it so bad that they even make TV commercials trying to convince the world of their self worth as a nation yet they run to the post office every month to pick up the United States Government Check they say we owe them for the terrible tragedies that we did to their ancestors two hundred years ago and for the lands they say we stole from them that they took from other Indian tribes in battle. The true Native Americans that is to say true Indians at heart and spirit say no man owns the land that it belongs to the great Spirit, so with that in thought we are paying them for something they don’t even own. These same people say they hate the government yet they are extremely quick to stand in line and grudgingly allow the same government pay for their housing, their education, their food, cell phones and even health care, then complain because they were forced to stand in line and allow the government they hate to pay them for something no one else can get, God that would be such a hard life. Now how much pride can a man have when he can just sit back and allow someone else pay your bills? The great white father still lives. My ancestors may or may not have been among the people who fought against their ancestors while they fought against everyone who was not of their Specific tribe, I don’t know, what I do know is that it wasn’t me or my children! And I don’t like paying for something I don’t even know that I OWE. It’s very likely that at least 60% of the American population has some degree of Indian blood running in their veins; my family has just as do many others who don’t expect the government to make us a living merely due to our ancestry. If the U.S. Government is guilty of anything it is holding people back by doing too much for them but some people seem to like being held back. Exactly what are they complaining about, having to wait till the first of the month to get their check, and having to stand in line for their free health care? Give me a break. If honesty hurts, man up and go to work like the people who are paying your bills! True respect is earned not donated. Now to the women whom we all believe are absolutely wonderful and completely necessary and who also think they have to make each other feel good about themselves by saying things like how smart they are, how strong they are, how necessary they are, we all know that is true, so if they are so smart why don’t they, why don’t they understand that the real strength of a person is shown in actions not words, if you do the things you say you can the world will notice, and you won’t have to come up with witty sayings in a pathetic attempt to convince us. If any person truly has pride, self worth and the inner strength they don’t need to convince anyone with words, your life actions should tell anyone that matters exactly what you are made of, so be a woman not a robot and live your life after the values you demand and respect in others. I am sick of hearing about the Black rights, the Indian rights, Illegal aliens rights, and women’s rights, let’s just go back to human rights then we will all have what we want and possibly we may stop fighting each other over the things we already have. Anyone who is capable of working, get a job, maybe consider stop living on the handouts from the government and anyone else they can rip off, these people should find the pride within and standup stop complaining and get a job, and then maybe you and your children can be proud of the independent person you are instead of who you say you are. Anyone who hates the Government or anyone else, who puts food on their table, makes their car payments, gives them cell phone service, and even supplies housing for those who want it have no pride and no honor just despite. To all the pitiful cry babies out there of all races and genders. The Hard Working Americans that you hate and despise are the same people that supply the funding by means of taxes so the Government you complain about can give you all the free gifts that keep you and your family alive.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 02:16:59 +0000

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