The so called raid to get Bin Laden who died years ago and then - TopicsExpress


The so called raid to get Bin Laden who died years ago and then the helicopter crash weeks later that killed the rest of Navy Seal Team Six. In the raid on the compound the helicopter exploded on picking them up and all on board where killed. The official story that Bin Laden was killed and his body dropped into the ocean. Bullshit! Just like the killing of football player Pat Tillman was Bullshit! He didnt die a hero defending his comrades but had his head blown off by so called friendly fire. He was going to come home and tell us that the war was total bullshit and lies so he was murdered! How about 911 where the jets crashing into the twin towers took down all that steal in 10 seconds! Another fairy tale. Those buildings were brought down by demolition. There were multiple explosions heard in the sub basement and seismic activity recorded moments before the planes hit. All the wreckage was shipped away do no insure investigation really occurred . Why were there still hot pockets in the wreckage month later, Thermite? As a result of 911 we added the DHS at the cost of billions of dollars and thousand of govt employees. Also the Patriot Act which gutted the constitution and put us on the path to total loss of rights, suspended Habeus Corpus and illegal search and seizure. Add on the manufactured bank crisis where trillions of dollars where paid out to banks worldwide while over a million people here lost there house. Any of these bank scum bags go to jail? No illegal things were done, just all of a sudden the heads of these banks who went to the best business schools , all got stupid. They wrapped up bad debt and sold it as AAA rated bonds by Moody, all over the world. They knew these bonds were shit and traders knew it to so they hedged against them and made millions! Finally Social Security as we know it will be dead. You will have to be over 70 to collect a full benefit. The formula to calculate increases will be changed meaning less money every month. This is our money , which they have stolen and replaced with bonds. We have know say in how its used or get know interest on it. A free loan to the govt for 50 years . Work until you drop dead! The future looks bleak boys and girls. Our country is being stolen from us, it started 40 years ago when they killed the Kennrdys and MLK. God help us for we are going down in flames!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:23:18 +0000

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