The stealth jihadists have a public relations nightmare on their - TopicsExpress


The stealth jihadists have a public relations nightmare on their hands.It’s called ISIS – or, as the head-chopping Muslim terrorists of the Middle East prefer to be known, “Islamic State.” The Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a darling of the U.S. media, thinks ISIS is giving “jihadists” like them a bad name. In a Time magazine column written by Nihad Awad, national executive director of CAIR, he demands you and I, all political analysts, public officials and his friends in the news media that give him carte blanche to parrot Muslim Brotherhood propaganda, stop referring to ISIS as “Islamic State” or as “jihadists” because their very name and their call to holy war, by definition, cast Islam in a bad light. I’m really sorry about that, but ISIS is not going away because we stop calling them by their name or characterizing them as “jihadists.” CAIR has been playing this semantics game for 13 years now and has successfully rewritten the accepted terminology of most reporters. It hasn’t discouraged radical Islam from murderous terrorism in the name of Allah. Not even a little bit. Awad accuses ISIS of “misappropriating and misusing the name ‘Islamic State.” “When ISIS uses the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada, and the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) seal on its flag, it quite literally – and falsely – claims to uphold the banner of Islam,” he writes. “When ISIS says it is establishing a ‘Caliphate,’ an historic term that resonates with Muslims worldwide, it does so to fool those who have experienced nothing but injustice and oppression into believing past glories will be restored.” Awad further states: “Islam prohibits the extremism exhibited by ISIS. An essential part of the faith is moderation.” In other words, Awad, whose organization is actually an offshoot of the terrorist group Hamas, currently bombarding Israeli cities with rockets, thinks ISIS should kill, maim, behead and institute Saudi-style Shariah law less zealously, more judiciously, more moderately and perhaps less conspicuously. I can’t believe this kind of talk is believed by anyone who has witnessed Islam’s carnage over the last 13 years.It’s time we stop allowing the paid apologists of Islam to define it as “a religion of peace and justice.” Let’s allow Islam to define itself after 1,400 years of conquest by the sword. At its height, Islam commanded the largest empire in the history of the world in terms of both land mass and population under its control. It was the last major empire to fall – and it did so in the 20th century. This is a fact lost on most shortsighted, historically challenged people. It won that empire just the way ISIS is taking over cities and towns and countries today in the Middle East. In fact, ISIS is modeling its fast-moving, mechanized caravan raids noted for scorched-earth tactics, gang rapes, decapitations, torture and mass murder after the Muslim armies that conquered the Arabian Peninsula within a few decades following the death of Muhammad who set the example for his followers with massacres of the Jewish population in Medina and the polytheists who controlled Mecca. From Arabia, the Muslim hordes swept through India, killing untold millions, through Africa, to Spain, much of southern Europe and, ultimately, the gates of Vienna.The tactics of Awad and CAIR may differ from ISIS. But it’s like the difference between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. The goals are the same; it’s only a matter of strategy for achieving them. Right now, the Middle East is at stake.With hand-wringing and vacillation the response from the West, Awad’s tepid denunciation of ISIS may sound comforting. But, don’t get fooled, again. People must be judged not by their words but by their fruits. And, it’s fair to say after 1,400 years of terror, genocide and unspeakable tyranny in the Islamic world that its fruit is rotten to the core. @Daniel Opiyo
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:10:44 +0000

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