The story about The Prodigal Son in Lukes Gospel has always - TopicsExpress


The story about The Prodigal Son in Lukes Gospel has always intrigued me. We all know the story quite well, seeing as how we were taught this in Sunday School and this has been the sermon material for many pastors over the years. The main story has always centered on the Prodigal Son. But I would like to point out that the Father should also receive top billing as well. While the son was out living it up, spending his inheritance in Las Vegas on wine, women, and gambling. The Father was at home tilling the soil and taking care of the rest of his family. I can picture this Father daily working in the fields, occasionally looking down the road hoping and praying to see his son returning home. I can see this Father sitting at the supper table, occasionally glancing at the empty chair where his son would always sit. I can see a Father kneeling each night in prayer asking for Gods divine mercy and protection upon his son. I can imagine the Father dreaming of past days when his son was just a boy who would tag along with his Father every day to the fields. Asking questions about this and that. I can imagine many things about this Father. He was a loving and caring husband and Father. He was a good provider. He was a righteous man and taught his children well. Bringing them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. He trusted and believed in The One True God. He was a man of prayer and faith. There is a verse of scripture in the Book of James that says, The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Well thankfully this story has a happy ending. After the son spent all his inheritance on riotous living and ended up in the hog pen, The Bible says, that he came to his senses and realized that things werent as bad as he thought at home. He dusted himself off and headed for home. Now in some ways some nay feel that the Father would have been justified by turning his son away when he returned. But thats not what happened in this case. I can tell you this one thing for certain. The Son returned home a changed young man. Instead of the boastful, pridefull, know it all who left home ready to turn the world upside down, now we have a humble child who is willing to take on the role of being one of his Fathers servants just to be able to come home. Instead of turning the son away, the Father ran to his son and embraced him. The Father called his servants to kill the fatted calf. To bring the finest robe and the most expensive ring to place on his son. This story is a touching illustration of Gods forgiveness and grace toward each one of us. I say to all who read this post. All of us at one time or another have been prodigals. We all have traveled that very same road the Prodigal Son traveled. And we all were welcomed home by our Loving and Merciful Heavenly Father. Jesus said, All who come to me, I will in no wise cast him out. You see, while God was working on the heart of the Prodigal Son, He also was working on the heart of the Prodigal Sons Father. You might say there was a meeting of the minds. There certainly was a whole lot of forgiveness being passed out. But the most important part of this story I want to leave with you is that there was an enormous amount of Grace being handed out by The Father. Grace is unmerited and undeserved.It is the gift from God There is nothing we can do to earn Grace and there is nothing we can do to hold on to it. Grace is Eternal. If Grace was obtained by wealth or good works, I would be left out. But thanks be unto God Grace is as free as the air we breathe. And by Gods Amazing Grace we shall behold The One who made all things possible by the shed blood of Calvary. Thank you Father for allowing me to come home more than once. Thank you Father for keeping the porch light on. Thank you Father for being The God of Mercy and Forgiveness and Grace. In Jesus Name I thank you. It is so.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 06:41:44 +0000

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