The thing about life is that you have to live in reality. Of - TopicsExpress


The thing about life is that you have to live in reality. Of course, Dream, thats where the seed is planting. While nurturing this seeb you have to #multitask and #prioritize other things in life, paying bills, advancing in careers, changing careers, just overall progressing. There is lots of reality in progression because it means you are practicing and applying all or most of what u know to the circumstances in life (the real world). Progress is measured by movement, action... Potential must turn into kinetic. There are a lot of nice people, christians, intellects, teachers human beings of all kinds who have great potential. But are they growing. The reality of life is that we are here to grow, to move, to go beyond where we started off from. You cannot do that if you have no movement, if you do not take any action. It was some articke or blog or maybe even a FB posting where it said something like never enter a relationship based on the potential of a person. Maybe Paul Carrick Brunson posted something So living in reality is starting where u are, recognizing, acknowledging and taking inventory of what you have, and then doing, being mindful of what you choose to dedicate your energy to. At the end of the day, you want results, tangible results, and different more improved outcome: financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, and emitionally. You are doing all of this while acknowleding your Dream, your Vision, your Purpose. The thing that never goes away. The thing that gets bigger and keeps growing because of that kinectic good energy you are constantly releasing. Dreams become reality, so the reality of life and all that it brings to the table must be taken care of, even if fear or doubt or obstacles appear. As Les Brown says, You habe greatness in you. Dr. Traci Lynn says shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you will land upon the stars. The reality of life is there is nothing to fear in life. By the grace of God we have all that we need, right here, right now as #RevE says of East Bay Church of Religious Science Theres a saying that says take care of home and home will take care of you. Well youre #home: your body, your vessel, your reaponsibilities. Do what you have to do in life to produce the fruits of your labor that u most highly desire and deserve. #thatswhatsup #therealitiesoflife #thinkingtoomuchthursday #pickitupcuziputitdown #realtalk #jibberjabbish #yougonelearntoday #chooselife #dreamsbecomereality #whatsyourreality #handleyobizness #deferloansnotdreams #gabbygonewild #hashtagfever #everybodygotpotential #getkinectic #takeaction #progress #iwenttoofar #spittinggame #thegameoflife
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:44:01 +0000

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