The thing that has really stirred my spirit tonight is the soul of - TopicsExpress


The thing that has really stirred my spirit tonight is the soul of a young 14 or 15 year old girl who was murdered and die far to soon. It was reported that before she died she was asked do you believe in God ? There was a gun pointed right at her. She replied after pausing for just a moment Yes,yes I do believe in Jesus Christ. At that time she was shot and killed. It was as senseless as anything I have ever heard in my life. I dont know if she had never spoke a fowl word or even sinned in her short life, but I do wonder if she has joined the 144,000.One thing for sure is that she is in Heaven as ,she proclaimed Jesus Christ with her dieing breath. Im also sure that these two boys were victims of bullying by many other students and thats what caused them to go on this rampage, killing and maiming even the innocent kids who were just in the vicinity. My last show at MCM there were Skaters or free willers who came and were making noise, yelling and screaming. I dont know if they were heckling me or if they really liked my music. They did not bother me really but an older man asked them to be quiet and they got smart with him.The next thing I knew the Police showed up and they were gone. There was one of them who sat on the front row and mouthed the words to every song I sang, so this leads me to believe that he liked the songs. Now it is hard to tell if someone in there for evil intent so the best thing to do is just leave them alone unless they start a problem. I have sang in bars where there were hackers,even racists making snide remarks from the audience, however most of the time theyve shut up by others in the audience too and made to look like a fool. I just go on singing and even praising from the stage. My belief in Jesus Christ has pulled me out of some dark, hard spots more than its gotten me into them. I am proud and even gracious to be an American for that and other things of course. The point of all this is some people should mind their own business, not bully or pick on others and a lot of this senseless killing will stop. Hank Jr. said best Why cant every body else leave every body else alone ! This a coalition to ban coalitions. Lol The next thing you know theyll want to stamp out ducks . Lol Love and peace from The Tree Of Life, goodnight !!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:00:40 +0000

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