The time has come to address the backsliding of our mere - TopicsExpress


The time has come to address the backsliding of our mere existence; the heavy burden of hate is our inability as a human to forgive. We have lost the understanding of love and the price that we have had to fight for has been forgotten. Today, the face of supremacy has shown up again in an even more grotesque and ugly form. It has become a cancer to those who can’t see the symptoms of its disease because its projection is masked by hope, greed, and power for a few. Its purpose given has been hidden through exploitation, rhetoric and the indifference of kindness to others in our lives. Dominance has become a dominion and is an act of violence, which breeds its own character and purpose. It is a lie that has pulled us apart as recipients of Gods love and the fear that we have been told to have by the master of them all. Mankind has come to the point of segregating itself from others and has called it something else. We have established churches, and countries, which protect the wicked and oppress the rights of others existence in the name of God but not His intent. Gods’ good news turns us from our own vain attempts to earn His pardon to Christ’s complete gift of salvation. That may sound strange to some but there are many of His children who don’t really know God at all and hide behind their own misguided premise. They may be sincere, but sincerity is not enough. Some people think that they are Christians automatically because they have Christian parents or are of the same flock. Others presume that attending church or being baptized or sharing in Communion makes them Christians. These are all important Christian responsibilities, but if people have never trusted in Christ alone for forgiveness of sins and salvation their efforts are hopeless. It is not a matter of trying. The Bible from the beginning to the end teaches that to be right with God we need a sacrifice for our sins. “Without shedding of blood is no remission of sins” (Hebrews9: 22). God provided salvation through His Son who “once suffered for sins, the just for the in just, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). After making that ultimate sacrifice, three days later Christ came back to life…our debt having been paid. It’s all about Gods gift. The bible teaches which we don’t deserve and can never earn. Jesus taught that salvation is through faith in Him alone: “He that believes on me has everlasting life”(John 6:47). The apostle Peter declared, “Through His name whosoever in Him shall receive the remission through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 10:43). The apostle Paul wrote of his savior: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins”(Ephesians 1:7) Are you religious, but not right with God? Then come to Him today. The church doesn’t do it, we do it and there is no hope or dominion that will last if it has forgotten to forgive, love, and not hate but worship Him alone while edifying Him instead of the body. ___________________________________________ ♥ MILLER ♥ Steven P. Miller FACEBOOK:(Steven P. Miller) facebook/sparkermiller EMAIL: [email protected] TWITTER: @Sparkermiller SKYPE: sparkermiller FYI-SPM@Gatekeeper and Watchman Saturday, April 19, 2014 (1:21 PM EST) Jacksonville, Florida USA
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 17:35:32 +0000

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