The time is now to voice your support for a Convention of States - TopicsExpress


The time is now to voice your support for a Convention of States to preserve liberty in America. Sign our petition to tell your state legislators about this last, best chance to halt the abuses of Washington, D.C. Our goal is 75,000 signatures by Constitution Day on September 17, and we know we can do it with your help! A Convention of States can’t come soon enough. The EPA “lost” its own share of emails pertinent to a congressional investigation. The U.S. economy is shrinking. And the NSA has been collecting baby photos of American citizens. But there has been some good news. One Idaho veteran inspired us with his love of liberty and country, the Supreme Court voted against federal overreach in the Hobby Lobby case, and 46 teenagers drafted some game-changing amendments. Thanks for standing with us.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:00:14 +0000

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