The tragedy of Greece when they use knee jerk reaction raw passion - TopicsExpress


The tragedy of Greece when they use knee jerk reaction raw passion when it comes to elections.The Greeks have no vision nor do they consider how they vote and how it affects our standing as a fair minded people on the world stage.We as a people are at the cross roads because we allow our passion to overwhelm us thus forcing our logic to be compromised by extreme levels of Left or Right politically.We are a country that relies on tourism & goodwill we cannot allow accusations of racism & hate to discredit our good name just like any business that relies on its goodwill.Racist haters like Mihaloliakos need to be marginalized(as does Tsipras but for different reasons).The Greek people need to vote for long term & not for today.We are not a RACIST PEOPLE NOR A RACIST NATION.There is no excuse anymore they must vote in a responsible manner for the benefit of their country.Stop believing in urban legends & old wives tales.The Anti-Defamation League’s last global survey found that, behind the Middle East, Greece has the highest level of anti-Semitism in the world. Having already suffered a plethora of negative characterizations and almost constant criticism over the past four years by international organizations and media and foreign governments, the last thing Greeks need now is to be branded as racists and anti-Semites by international public opinion.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 14:37:44 +0000

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