The video is edited (obviously by supporters of Israel) to take - TopicsExpress


The video is edited (obviously by supporters of Israel) to take away the segment where Clinton asks Israel to work for a a comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians. Here is the transcript of the actual segment: Bill Clinton: Well, first of all Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets in Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them. Now, I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu could and should make a comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians. I believe if he did it, and he did it with either President Abbas or with his coalition, if in return for Hamas renunciation of terror and recognition of Israels right to exist, I believe 60% of the people of Israel would support it. NDTV: So whats holding him up? Bill Clinton: Well, his coalition wouldnt support it, so hed have to go to a national unity government to pass it. But I think that youd find that more than 60% Israelis support trying to defend themselves if they get 1000 rockets shot at them. They have a defence system against such missile attacks, the so-called Iron Dome and they havent died in great numbers yet, although they certainly could have. Its a miracle to me that they fired 1000 rockets in there and more people werent killed. So they know when Hamas attacks them that Hamas has set up a situation, which politically cant lose, because they can say well, if I attack them back, they always hide behind civilians, and Ill kill civilians; and if I dont, well look like fools letting somebody shoot a 1000 rockets at us and not responding. What this proves is that there ought to be serious peace talks, serious ones, and I think the whole existence of this national unity government between the Fatah government on the West Bank and Hamas is the direct result of the lack of progress.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:50:52 +0000

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