The voice in this song is from Desmond Tutu, the Nobel laureate - TopicsExpress


The voice in this song is from Desmond Tutu, the Nobel laureate who has been an advocate of Basic Income for a long time. 1. WHATS BASIC INCOME? Basic Income is a guaranteed minimum income that is given unconditionally to all people in a country. 2. ISNT GIVING MONEY TO EVERYONE A CRAZY IDEA? This idea was advocated by the smartest people in field of economics and 5 of them won the Nobel Price, so it makes economical sense. Also, lets not forget that some time ago it sounded crazy to give money to unemployed people, and now, it sounds crazy not to have social security in a civilized society. 3. WHY INTRODUCE BASIC INCOME? Because it is the only way to prevent and eliminate poverty once for all. There are no more jobs for life, not enough jobs for everyone and its going to get worse duo to the automation. Basic Income will serve as a social protection floor for each individual to survive with dignity during the periods when there is no work. It also provides you with an economic stability for you to retrain and gain the needed skills in our fast-paced and changeable economic environment. 4. BUT FOR THAT WE HAVE SOCIAL SECURITY, DONT WE? No. The Social Security besides being very costly to maintain does not fulfil its purpose which is to eliminate poverty. It also does not encourage people to work rather than depend on it, because arranging a job means loosing the right to unemployment benefits and stability. With Basic income the more you work, the more money you will have. 5. ISNT THE COST OF BASIC INCOME HIGHER THAN SOCIAL SECURITY? Not necessarily. In the long run it is more economical because it eliminates all the bureaucratic costs associated with social support. It also eliminates the costs derived from poverty, because it is the biggest cause of people going to prisons, mental illness, school failure and family problems. 6. WILL BASIC INCOMES CHANGE SOCIETY? Just image living in a world with no poverty. A world where you wont be afraid of being poor. A world with less crimes and more trust. A world where you could choose what you truly want to do for the rest of your life. Will that change society?
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:16:13 +0000

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