The way I see whats going on in Ukraine and Crimea.... Theres a - TopicsExpress


The way I see whats going on in Ukraine and Crimea.... Theres a real media war here, so its pretty difficult to understand whats really going on and whats a pure disinformation. People panic a lot... During World War II there was a Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) which cooperated with Hitler. Stefan Bandera was one of the leaders of UPA and he and his followers killed lots of people from Poland, Ukraine, Russia. They even killed women and kids. So some people think that those people were heroes and they fought for independence of Ukraine against Russian soldiers. Some people even say that Russia occupied Ukraine and Germans came to save them... Ugh! Ok... So you probably know that Maidan in Kiev was organised because people wanted to join EU, but after police tried to force those people leave Maidan raised to fight against our unfair government. Lots of people died. I wish those deaths were not in vain. However, our politics are the same dishonest and greedy people. Moreover, lots of people, who are striving to lead the country are more into radical nationalism, which is not good for non-Ukrainians. Besides, there are lots of nazis symbols at Kiev Maidan like: Celtic cross - it is one of the most popular symbols used by individuals and organisations to represent Neo-Nazism and white pride: (on the wall) 14/88 - The Fourteen Words is a phrase used predominantly by white nationalists. It most commonly refers to a 14-word slogan: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children. Neo-Nazis often combine the number 14 with 88, as in 14/88 or 1488. The 8s stand for the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with HH standing for Heil Hitler - Wolfsangel - Rune Odal - - etc. Its kind of calm in Crimea. People go to work, students go to school. Its still kind of scary though, because its like leaving on a bomb - you never know whats gonna happen next. People organize meetings. Thanks God no one tries to shoot anyone. Lots of people want to join Russia because they dont want radical nationalists get in Crimea. Actually because of Russian soldiers its kind of calm here. In other cities Maidan participants made lots of awful things. First of all, they destroyed Lenin statues (because all Bandera and UPA followers hate communism and they always wanted to get rid of its reminders) and they participated in fights, occupied administrative buildings, etc. Not all Maidan participants are nationalists, but they are being lead by those. Hopefully, Ukraine will be one happy country but right now people are just going crazy here. They fight because of different political views and even Christians, who are supposed to be wise and loving, are pretty aggressive right now and they quit being friends with others because of politics which is really sad. So pray for us so that we could differ whats right and whats wrong! We need wisdom!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 00:05:08 +0000

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