The way we see our country is exactly the way we see ourselves. So - TopicsExpress


The way we see our country is exactly the way we see ourselves. So if you continue to look at yourself and say Im poor and i will always be poor, that same mindset will give you the country you so deserve. You will see more of the corruptions, poverty, and problems. And the worst thing that you can tell yourself is that theres absolutely nothing that you can do to improve the present conditions. Its like being so unlucky to be born a Filipino, or worse a Zamboangueno. But the truth is, theres something that you can do that can impact your life, your society, or the entire nation. It may just seem to be a drop of water in the ocean, but the ripple effect will eventually find its way to the open seas. You may not see any major effect now, but you can already witness a lot of direct impact your actions, your words, and your belief can create with the people around you. Increase the value of yourself by giving yourself the best, and only the best. You cannot just say, I dont care what others will say, YES-YOU-MUST- CARE what others say about you. Remember, you are Gods representative here on earth. And the way people see you will make them appreciate more about Gods blessings on you. Show them how beautiful and wonderful life is by being truly beautiful and wonderful yourself and that is only by having a beautiful and wonderful relationship with God. Stop convincing yourself to fail. Stop telling yourself that you dont deserve anything better. Stop fooling yourself by pretending you dont have any value at all. Notice how people who value themselves and their work, have higher ranks, better pays, and happier relationships than others. Look at the businesses who value their products and customer services, see how their businesses grow. Value your customers by giving them the best product and services your business can offer. Our country has been heralded as the next tiger of Asia three times, yet we always fall short. Why? Its not because of corruption in the government, terrorist acts, or lack of natural wealth. Other developed countries have higher corruption rate, terrorist incidents, and fewer resources. Its because of the way they see themselves and each other. They value each other. They look and believe that they are of a higher race than us. And thats not a bad thing. Show the Filipino people that they are valuable. Stop exporting our best products, people, and services to other countries and leaving the left overs for the Filipino people. If you are a service provider, a government employee, or any-JUAN, look beyond color or race. Give your best to the Filipinos. Start putting value back into our lives. Stop turning yourself into a typical tele-novela and start writing your own success stories. Say NO to drama, say YES to success! I know that this post is too long, but i pray that you will read it and share it as well. Before i end, remember this, you cannot value others if you dont value yourself, coz you cannot give what you dont have. ;) GOD morning everyone. Everyone is valuable, coz God sent his only son to die not just for a chosen few, but for everyone.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 01:04:55 +0000

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