The winds of change are blowing through everyones lives, the - TopicsExpress


The winds of change are blowing through everyones lives, the extreme weather is the outward manifestation of the group emotional body that is stirred up now to be healed. Open to receive the amazing PRESENCE OF HOLY SPIRIT....we are like clay...malleable....supple....moldable....the facades are stripped away, all that is not real is gone. There is no where to run, there is no where to hide...we are all transparent...we are Light and the illusion of ourselves as dense, flesh and blood separated from Spirit is being healed. Holy Spirit is knocking on the door to your heart, whatever it takes to pierce through the hardness, the blocks, the pain, the fear, that is what is happening. Surrender, soften, let go of the excuses, the lies, the pretense, the need to defend, protect and control..all fear based manifestations. School is over...there are no more tests to study for, there are no more dress rehearsals, or trial do overs, the camera is rolling and it is live, in the moment reality you are on candid camera!!! You know what I am talking feel what I am writing about...we are in the firey may feel like hell, lol, but it isnt only if you think so and choose to not become one with the flames of the transmutation that we are all in. The dross is being burned off....surrender....let all of the putrid, dead, decaying, useless, stagnant things on all levels be consumed in the flames...let go of the guilt, shame, fear, belief systems that have kept you trapped and that limit how Holy Spirit is moving and manifesting your Divine Blueprint...get out of the way, surrender...attachment, both negative and positive bring all sorrow. Facades, roles, titles, labels are confining, limiting...they bring negative and positive expectations of ourselves, others and Spirit. Do not force, or manipulate still and know....go in a constant state of prayer and meditation...which means sending and opening and closing, no beginning no ending...the circle is never broken...the actualization of unconditional love for self and others is the key....see yourself as a magnet attracting your highest good, you will then also repel away that which is not for your highest good. That is why things are changing in a moment and a twinkling of an eye...miracles happen when you are present consciously with present time...BE WHO YOU ARE....BE IN YOUR LIFE...YOU ARE A UNIQUE BEING OF LIGHT...A CO-CREATOR WITH HOLY SPIRIT....YOU HAVE FREE WILL...YOU ARE THE LORD OF YOUR OWN CREATION....If you dont like what you have manifested let it are a moldable clay...create a new you a new have a choice....let go of being a victim, do not feel sorry for others or yourself....have compassion for yourself and others...then there is no ego know what you dont know your have the power from within to ascend like the Phoenix from the ashes....I am sending you all so much unconditional love and healing energy what an amazing time to be alive and on this Earth...more later....MM
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:40:27 +0000

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